
Meet Rav.
Providing solutions to attain Net Zero or Passive House like energy efficiency using my experience in specifying commercial and residential buildings, single and multi-storey rise. Having, a perspective on material and reflective solutions, air tightness and most practical way to lower your energy costs because of losses in the building fabric. Another potential is to use my experience in developing a lead tracking system in any sales environment, potentially acting as a front line sales person and scoping out the specifications for a new sales position. On going coaching and management would help embed desired results with best practice.
Some companies we’ve had the pleasure to work with.

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Our mission is to deliver value for owner and occupiers of buildings. Passive House provides a means of achieving great thermal comfort levels by using simple systems and attention to details during construction.
+61 2 9596 2957
0435 75 3547
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Design & Development: June 03rd