Case Studies
Art storage unit - Alexandria
The client wanted to convert an old, disused factory unit in Alexandria (NSW) into a conditioned warehouse to store paintings.
The original idea was to use coolroom panels on the inside of the building, but the cost of insurance and fixing the panels to the underside of the metal room without creating a condensation issue was a challenge.
Using an EPS coolroom panel and trying to fix it overhead was physically demanding and required two to four people. Recent fires involving polystyrene were causing the owners difficulties in securing insurance.
Using a PIR panel with foil facer both sides provided an acceptable finish and only required one person to fit. The board had also been tested to AS/ISO 9705, FM4880 and NFPA 285 and NFPA 286.
It’s important to know that the “she’ll be right” attitude is not acceptable. It was a personal triumph to secure the sale because the builder found us to be knowledgeable not only about insulation, but on the testing he needed to achieve a compatible and cost-effective solution. He showed me how to install boards to the underside of a metal roof.

PIR boards fixed to top hats.
PIR does not have any residual pH that could corrode the fixings.
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Design & Development: June 03rd