New Product Launch
A salesman’s role is to ask questions and to not only bring back answers, but a plan on how to meet expectations.
Turning a concept into a saleable product
During an interview for a role with Mars Electronics (payment systems), our CEO Rav was asked what he would do first in the role, given he had no prior experience with the industry.
He replied: “I’d sit with those who knew the industry and ask what they wanted from us and why it hadn’t been delivered”. In 2001, he worked with CCA to trial Mars note acceptors in their vending machines. Thanks to the help of Methodical Services and CCA, today we see these units in premium sites like shopping centres, airports and universities.
Getting your ducks in a row
None of my customers want to be caught doing the wrong thing. So, it’s important to have the right approvals in place. Sneaky phrases like “should be considered” or “mostly non-combustible” do not provide security or long-term trust.
As my competitors say, “it's easier to sell a non-compliant product, then a compliant one”.
When we consult, we go into it thinking that one day it could be us, or a member of our family, working or in living in one of these buildings. If you want to keep costs low, we can help. But we avoid using reflective foil R-Values and products without local testing or review from Australian or New Zealand authorities. To us, that just seems like false economy.
Helping engineers with a sales plan
Inventors, practitioners and business owners find it hard to separate themselves from promoting an idea, to determining if the idea has merit.
First steps to commercialisation
Ask the right questions and listen to their answers.
What is our USP?
If no one has done it before, the idea doesn’t have merit. So develop merit by understanding what buying motives could exist.
If any of the above is little more than jargon, book a consultation today. Tell us about your goals and we’ll begin planning how we can work together to fulfil your dream.

Our mission is to deliver value for owner and occupiers of buildings. Passive House provides a means of achieving great thermal comfort levels by using simple systems and attention to details during construction.
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Design & Development: June 03rd